Summer 2014, Madeleine finds herself extremely eager to ride her beloved Triumph Bonneville on another adventure. The aging bike was not happy and required a clutch replacement. Madeline was ready for the short trip the bike would allow to Cape Cod with her best friend Vicki Gray. During the ride to Cape Cod, Vicki and Madeleine kept hearing the sounds the clutch was making. With luck, the bike made it home safely. The planned event, to present at the Horizons Unlimited in the Maritimes in Nova Scotia, may not be realized. Hurricane Arthur was knocking on the door threatening to hit the Maritimes. What is Madeleine going to do? She is not the type that will back off and cancel. She promised everyone she would be there to present and share her motorcycle riding experiences. She will not be defeated by two major roadblocks. WAIT!!! Madeleine has 2 motorcycles and a scooter, yaaaayyy!! OK, the scooter is not a viable candidate for such an adventure. There is "The Boy", her 14 year old Ducati Monster that also needs a clutch, but still capable of going on a 1,800 mile ride (per her mechanic). There is only one minor problem "The Boy” has never carried so much camping gear. Despite the weather conditions, Madeleine decides to load the bike and ride it to the Maritimes in Nova Scotia. Somehow, she managed to pack everything she needed on that bike. Some people say "less is more". She had the concern of "no tools". What if something goes wrong? Madeleine has always been lucky to find someone to help a "damsel in distress". Sure enough, as you read below, she found someone with tools to help. Saint John to Digby ferry offered an enjoyable opportunity to meet other riders on the vessel while arriving just in time to present at the Horizons Unlimited event. Setup camp and after the presentation was welcomed with a wonderful party celebrating America’s 4th of July holiday. Hurricane Arthur made its presence that Saturday morning around 3 to 4 am. The winds were brutal, tents all over the place, some blown away never to be found. Hurricane Arthur was having a wonderful time destroying the Maritimes, knocking down trees and any electrical poles it could find, resulting in no electricity in the building. Generators were used to allow the presenters to share their stories. Food was difficult to prepare for the hosting club, but they managed to find a place with electricity to prepare some dinner. That night, most of the campers had to find shelter. They all found themselves (including Madeleine) sheltered inside the house with only a sleeping bag and their cots (an air mattresses for Madeleine). Sunday morning greeted us with a great surprise, the storm passed with no injury to any of the members of the event. Hold on!!! There is more to the story. Madeleine was invited by a Cape Breton woman (Camilla Taylor) who attended the event. She offered a shower in Halifax. Of course Madeleine was interested in a nice hot shower, after two days without one due to the lack of electricity she tagged along with Camilla and her male friend. Madeleine was delighted to receive a personal tour of Cape Breton and be hosted by Camilla in her summer home. That evening, a beautiful frog welcomed Madeleine. It was walking up the glass door. Of course Madeleine had to share the frog with you; she loves to include some sort of animal in her blogs...... It had suction cups that attached to the glass door, how lovely!! The ride to Cape Bretton from Halifax was spectacular. Camilla shared her beautiful country side by riding the less traveled roads. “The Boy” struggled with a few as they were not paved, but Madeleine's riding skills proved to be an asset. Even though “The Boy” was a little slower on the dirt roads, he made his presence known when carving corners on the Cabot Trail. Madeleine was delighted that “The Boy” was the chosen bike to experience the beautiful roads and tight corners that the Cabot Trail offers. As a result of this awesome 14 year old Ducati Monster achieving such a challenge, Madeleine hopes to someday ride the Cabot Trail with the bike. Nova Scotia is truly an amazing place to visit. It was Madeleine's second time to visit the peninsula; it will not be the last.
9/17/2014 12:57:25 pm
This is a great story. Thank-you for the memories!! Look forward to making more.
9/17/2014 01:32:36 pm
Love your great stories and photos! Next time we have a hurricane, I'm going to pitch my tent in the yard and see what it's like. :-)
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